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Counseling Services: Appointments & Drop-in
  • How can I meet with a Counselor? Counselors are available to meet with students through an appointment or Drop-in, both offered online and in-person. 希望安排咨询的学生 appointment or use in-person Drop-ins are welcome to come to our office in G-200.
    • Pro-Tip: Schedule appointments online through our 与咨询师联系 page. After answering a couple of questions, you will be directed to the respective 需要咨询服务. Join the Drop-in queue virtually this way as well!

      Appointments are available Monday 8 - 6 pm, Tuesday - Thursday 8 - 5 pm, Friday 9 -1pm

      上门服务时间为周一至周四下午10点至1:30. *如有更改*

  • 我安排了一个面对面的约会,但现在不能去了. 我可以在线切换吗? Yes you can! 请致电619-660-4429或发电子邮件与我们的前台联系 cuyamaca.ecounseling@gcccd.edu. If you need to change your modality to online - please make sure you do so as soon 如果可能的话,至少提前2小时通知.
  • 什么是上门服务? Drop-ins are quick 10-15 minute sessions with a Counselor and offered on a first-come, 标间. 你可以亲自或在网上排队. Long term, comprehensive Education Plans cannot be provided in Drop-ins (these require an hour-long appointment - because we want to give you the best service!). Things that can be done on Drop-in include: Consortium Agreement, Overload Petition, P/​NP Request, 一般的请愿书, Placement Results or Quick Academic Questions. eCounseling 是可用的快速问题,不需要现场帮助- 提交问题 致我们的辅导员. Please allow up to 3 business days for a response.
    • Pro-Tip: Avoid the LONG wait for Drop-in during peak times (start of registration and start 通过提前安排预约! You can do this online through our 与咨询师联系 page.
  • I scheduled an online appointment. Where is the Zoom link information for it? Immediately after scheduling 你约会的时间, you will receive an email with the appointment information and Zoom link. Be sure to check your Spam folder! 如果你不能 find it at all, please contact our front desk at  619-660-4429 or email cuyamaca.ecounseling@gcccd.edu
  • What is the cancellation policy for appointments? 如果你没有赴约,就会导致“no-show”.“那些 "no-show" three (3) times in the same semester will not be allowed to schedule another appointment until the next semester. If you need to cancel or reschedule - please make sure you do so as soon 如果可能的话,至少提前2小时通知.
  • How do I cancel or reschedule my appointment? If you are not able to attend 你约会的时间 for any reason, please cancel by signing back into the system or giving us a call at 619-660-4429 with at least 2 hours notice, if possible.
Education Plans: General Education & Major Prep
  • 什么是教育计划? Education Plans map out what courses a student should take semester by semester to complete their educational goals. 第一/一个学期的教育计划可以在自助服务中获得 under the Orientation, Placement and Advising section (listed as Step 3). However, once you have gotten started in your classes here, we encourage students to make an hour-long appointment with a counselor to create a Comprehensive Ed Plan (CEP). You can schedule this online through our 与咨询师联系 page. A CEP for an AA degree or transfer usually includes General Education, Major Preparation/Requirements, and Electives that help you meet the minimum number of units required. 
  • 什么是上门服务? Drop-ins are quick 10-15 minute sessions with a Counselor and offered on a first-come, 标间. 你可以亲自或在网上排队. Long term, comprehensive Education Plans cannot be provided in Drop-ins (these require an hour-long appointment - because we want to give you the best service!). Things that can be done on Drop-in include: Consortium Agreement, Overload Petition, P/​NP Request, 一般的请愿书, Placement Results or Quick Academic Questions. eCounseling 是可用的快速问题,不需要现场帮助- 提交问题 致我们的辅导员. Please allow up to 3 business days for a response.
    • Pro-Tip: Avoid the LONG wait for Drop-in during peak times (start of registration and start 通过提前安排预约! You can do this online through our 与咨询师联系 page.
  • AA or ADT? 有什么区别?? The difference between an Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) and an Associate Degree primarily is that the ADT uses a transfer GE pattern and is only offered for certain 专业使用非常具体的专业课程要求. adt的范围也很广 被科罗拉多州立大学系统和一些私立大学录取. 你可以阅读更多关于 将ADT、担保纳入CSU系统等 大学目录.
  • 什么是ACP(学术计划) & 职业途径)? 我们开发了8个 学术和职业道路 to help guide you to the classes that will lead to a fulfilling career. Each Pathway 包含适合该群体的大学课程. 我们有两个学前班和 职业通道: English as a Second Language (ESL) if you would like to improve upon English literacy skills before entering an ACP, and Exploratory if you are not sure which ACP is right for you.
  • 我已经在Cuyamaca获得了副学士学位. 我能再拿一个吗? When a student has already earned an AA Degree, there must be at least 12 units to be completed in the new major in order to earn the additional Associate Degree, Earning 额外的转学副学士学位(ADT)是一个例外. 与咨询师会面 复习你的课程. 
  • 我怎么知道我所修的课程是否可以转学? All courses transferable to the CSU or UC system have an indication in the college 目录的末尾 课程描述. If a course does not fit a specific general education area, then it will count as 一种可转移选修单元. 如果您正在询问,请与咨询师见面 a private/out-of-state university. 
  • I have more questions related to transfer. 我该去哪里? Our 转移中心 provides services such as workshops, transfer application assistance, 支持被录取/被拒绝的学生等等. You can also check out additional Transfer FAQ
  • 什么是单位?? 一个单位代表你完成一门课程后所获得的学分. 单位也表示 你可能花在这门课上的时间. For example, a 1 unit class meets for about 1 hour per week for a full-semester class, and a 5 unit class meets about 5 hours a week for a full-semester length class. 
  • 我应该买多少单位? The number of units you should take really depends on what other commitments you have in your life (work, family, personal, etc). We generally tell students to expect to dedicated at least 2 hours outside of class for every unit, so taking 12 units means you will be in class for about 12 hours and then you should dedicate at least 24 hours OUTSIDE of class towards studying and homework. 仅仅在学校就有36个小时!
    • 如果你还在工作,推荐的单元数:
      • 40 hours of work : Take 3-6 units
      • 30 hours of work : Take 6-9 units
      • 20 hours of work : Take 12 units
      • 5-15 hours of work : Take 14-18 units
  • 全日制是多少个单位? Students are considered full-time if they are taking a minimum of 12 units during 秋季和春季学期. 虽然6个单元通常被认为是全日制的 summer, some other programs may have different requirements to be full-time in the summer. 
  • 什么是通识教育? Every degree requires general education (GE). GE classes cover a breadth of knowledge areas that a student can select courses from. Often times courses that you need to take for your major can also "double-dip" into your general education coursework. 您可以查看不同的通用电气模式/要求在我们的 教育策划工具页面 and select the GE based on your goal of obtaining a Cuyamaca associate degree or transferring to a 4 year university. 
  • What's the most units I can take in a semester? How can I get an Overload Authorization? The maximum number of units a student can enroll in for the 秋季和春季学期 is 18 units and 8 units in the summer. 如果要检查这些单元,就需要一个过载授权 is required to be approved by a counselor. These are done through Drop-ins and we 使用以下准则来确定批准:1. 获得至少12个单位 with a cumulative college GPA of 3.大学课程0分.  and 2. 目前没有 on probation or dismissal status.
    • NOTE: If the course you are requesting for overload is a Grossmont course - you will need to contact Grossmont咨询 to complete the Overload Authorization. 
  • 什么是合格/不合格(P/NP)? A Pass/No Pass allows you to either get a "P" (Pass) or an "NP" (No Pass) in your course. By requesting this option, if you end up earning a "C" grade or higher by the end of the semester, then this would result in a “P” (Pass) symbol on your transcripts. Earning a grade lower than a “C” would result in an “NP” (No Pass) symbol on your transcripts. P/NP is irreversible and while P/NP technically doesn't affect students' Cuyamaca GPA, there can be transfer-related consequences to consider when advising students. Before you select P/NP, we recommend you speak with a counselor to make sure this 这对你来说是最好的选择吗.
  • 什么是先决条件?? 什么是共生条件? A prerequisite 指学生必须修的课程或其他要求 before enrolling in a specific course. 必要条件是指课程或其他要求 这是一个学生必须参加的课程 同时 作为另一门课程. 
形式、政策 & Procedures
  • I got notified of Academic or Progress Dismissal. What do I do? 所有GCCCD学生都有一定的学术地位. That can range from good standing, 留校察看,甚至开除学籍. 浏览我们的网页 on 学术地位 to learn more about what it means. If you are on Dismissal, that means that you have either not achieved a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or not completed 50% or more of your attempted units for three semestes in a row. 当被解雇时,你也不能参加 college in the district for one academic year. 你可以参加暑期班. There is an option to enroll in our Back on Track Workshop in Canvas and complete a 申请再入境
  • How do I change my major at Cuyamaca? 首先,你要回顾一下你的主修专业 学生的计划 & 自助登记 在请求更改之前. There are two ways to update your major.
    • 1) If you are updating it in the current catalog year, you can do this on your own 通过提交 Update Student Data (Major/Education Goal) form
    • 2) If you are better served by an older catalog year/requirements for graduation, you will need to meet with a counselor to get a Catalog Rights form submitted. 
  • 何谓学籍续期? This is a policy that gives students a chance to petition to have D's and F's removed 一旦达到特定的标准,从他们的GPA中扣除. When approved, the courses still remain on the transcript but will be notated and not included in calculation of the GPA. 有关标准及程序的详情,请参阅 大学目录. Meet with a Counselor to determine if and when this is appropriate for you. 
  • I failed a course and want to retake it. 成绩不好怎么办? If you received a "D" or "F" grade, and retake the course, the new grade will replace it. It will visually remain on your transcript but will be notated to not count towards 你的GPA计算. 
  • 我得了EW或W. 我可以重修这门课吗? Yes! Excused Withdrawals (EW) and Withdrawals (W) do not count against your GPA. You 可能会重复. 然而,你的努力和进步都是有价值的. 你只能 尝试一门课程3次.
  • I tried to take a course 3 times already but want to try it one more time. Can I? Students are allowed to enroll in a course three times under our Course Repetition Policy. If you have extenuating circumstances, you may petition for approval to take a course for a 4th time by submitting a 一般的请愿书 到招生及档案. 
  • 什么是目录权? Catalog rights are the policies, requirements and 课程描述 that are tied 特定学年的大学目录. Your catalog rights will start the year you enroll in our district and stay with you through continuous enrollment. You maintain continuous enrollment by enrolling at least one semester every year and do not miss two back-to-back semesters. If you take more than a 2 semester break, then you will have new catalog rights to the year that you return and will need to 重新申请大学. 
注册:添加 & Dropping
  • 我什么时候注册课程? 每个学生都有自己的注册日期和时间. 这是通过电子邮件发送的 通常在注册正式开始前2周左右. 学生可以注册 at that date/time and anytime thereafter. If you don't receive an email, check your spam folder or you can log into 自助服务 and locate your registration date/time. 
    • Pro-Tip: 尽早与咨询师见面,制定你的教育计划. 这将帮助你避免 the long Drop-in wait times and harder to schedule counseling appointments during 这些高峰时间. You can do this online through our 与咨询师联系 page. Feb-Mar and Sep-Oct are the best months to schedule 你约会的时间s!
  • 我如何注册课程? Students register for classes using 自助服务. Review step-by-step instructions on how to register for classes here. 在您支付学杂费之前,注册不会完成. 你可以支付你的 fess in 自助服务 or at the 出纳办公室.
  • 什么是“撞课”? If a class is closed because it is full (all the seats in the class are filled) and 等候名单是不可用的,你将不得不“崩溃”的课程. 为了崩溃 a class, you must show up to the first class meeting to see if there is any room for the instructor to add you and its typically on a first come-first serve basis. If 课程只在网上进行,一定要给老师发邮件. 
  • 等候名单是如何运作的? Waitlists show up once classes are full and students are added to 等候名单 on a first-come, 标间. 一旦有了座位,学生就会自动报名 按他们在等待名单上的顺序加入班级. 一旦班级 started, instructors may allow students add authorization based on the the order of 等候名单. 
  • 我怎么退课? Students must drop classes through 自助服务. It is important to pay attention to 校历 每学期的截止日期. 调整期后的下降将导致“W” 撤回笔录. 正式退学是学生的责任 a course. You may receive an "F" in a course if you stop attending and never officially drop. More information 可以找到 in the 大学目录
  • 如果课程已满或已经开始,我如何添加课程? Once a class is closed or the class has already started, students have to get an Add Authorization from the instructor. If an instructor allows you to enroll in their class, they will 'add authorize' you in 自助服务 and then you must go into 自助服务 在“最后添加日”截止日期前添加和注册课程. 总是检查 the 校历 for specific semester deadlines. 
位置,先决条件 & Transcripts
  • 什么是安置? Placement gives recommendations for courses in math, English and English as a second 语言(英语). 这将决定你在你的课程序列中从哪里开始. Visit our 中心位置 webpage for more information on exemptions, ESL placement and Chemistry Challenge. 
  • 我如何完成我的实习? 自助服务 is where you will complete Placement. The placement questionnaire will 帮助我们评估你目前的英语和数学水平. Login to 自助服务 点击学生. 在入职指导,安置和建议下面的步骤是 placed into the proper English, Math or ESL level.
  • 什么是先决条件?? 什么是共生条件? A prerequisite 指学生必须修的课程或其他要求 before enrolling in a specific course. 必要条件是指课程或其他要求 这是一个学生必须参加的课程 同时 作为另一门课程. 
  • 如何清除先决条件? 通过在线提交我们的先决条件被清除 先决条件的形式. Be prepared to provide documentation - you can use unofficial copies and screenshots. Processing times may take up to 5  business days, please keep this in mind when completing this form if you are needing to meet deadlines. We can only clear prerequisites for 库亚玛卡学院课程. 
  • 我提交了一份先决条件表,并附上了我的成绩单. 是指我的成绩单吗 会被评估? No, your transcripts are not evaluated until official ones have been sent to Admissions & Records and you have submitted a request for 成绩单评估
  • 我的成绩单已经提交给学校了. 我的先决条件清除了吗?? Prerequisites are NOT automatically cleared when official transcripts are first received. Often times, students need to clear prerequisites separately to be ready for registration. 处理时间 先决条件许可 may take up to 5 business days, while 成绩单评估 processing times may take 8 to 10 weeks. 
  • Where do I get my official transcripts? Instructions on how to request official transcripts and print unofficial transcripts 可以找到 here
  • I completed college work in another country. 我现在该怎么办? If you want to have your previous coursework considered towards a Cuyamaca certificate or degree. Each foreign transcript must be translated into English and submitted to 其中一家上市公司 here. Transcripts issued from non-American system institutions and in languages other than English require special handling. 
  • I passed some AP exams in high school. 我现在该怎么办? 你会想要 大学委员会 把你的考试成绩发给 成绩单办公室. 如果你需要的话 清除先决条件, you can submit official copies first. 
Major & 生涯探索
  • I'm undecided on my major, where should I start? 我们的就业中心有很多资源可以帮助你 选择专业, including career assessments and career counseling appointments. In addition to that, we offer Counseling 110, a 1-unit Career Decision Making course that can be completed in as little as 2 weeks.  一定要联系 探索性Pre-ACP for additional resources to help you during this stage of your major exploration. 
  • 你们提供职业咨询吗? YES! While all of our counselors are equipped to support you in your career exploration, 我们也有一个专门的 职业顾问 available to meet with students, interpret career assessment results, and develop 职业教育计划.  
  • 我在哪里可以获得更多的职业信息和找工作? 这就是我们的。 职业中心! 当你在那里的时候,你可以看看我们的学生就业板: Handshake.
  • 什么是财团协议,我如何获得一个? When you are taking courses at Grossmont, as long as they are needed for your educational 目标,那么简单 财团协议表格 是由财务援助办公室的顾问完成的吗. 财团是在 a Drop-in basis and you can check our hours or sign up for virtual drop-ins here: x8qg.dgbts66.com/TALK. It is important to note that if you are receiving your 金融援助 from Grossmont, then you must complete this process with Grossmont咨询.
  • 如果我退课,我的助学金会怎么样? Students who reduce their course load during the term may not be eligible for the 全部奖金提供给他们,并建议咨询 财政援助办事处 to determine what impact dropping classes may have
  • How do I complete a Maximum Unit Petition? You will need to make a 1-hour counseling appointment so that a counselor can create an education plan and complete the counselor form required for the financial aid petition. A typed statement is required with this petition - please have this completed before 你约会的时间. 预约后,您将负责提交所有 这些文件 CampusLogic
  • What is Counseling 095 (COUN-095)? 没有见面的学生 Satisfactory Academic Progress 可能需要参加一个 .5单元辅导095课程. 当你检查你的 财政援助状况,您将查看是否将con -095列为要求. 如果有,请搜索 COUN-095 in 自助服务 and enroll in that. We offer COUN-095 just about every month. On another note, if you are a student participating in DSPS, EOPS, or CalWORKs, then you may bypass taking COUN 095 and meet with your special program counselor instead.
  • I have more questions related to 金融援助. 我该去哪里? 财政援助提供现场直播 help desk 你也可以在网站上查看答案 资助常见问题. Contact the 财政援助办事处 获取更多帮助. 
  • When is the deadline to petition for graduation? 根据学校的规定检查毕业截止日期是很重要的 校历 日期列在 如何毕业 webpage. The deadlines are typically in early October (for Fall) and early March (弹簧). It is recommended that students earning ADTs specifically petition earlier -九月前(秋季)及二月前(春季). 
  • 我如何申请毕业? Visit our 如何毕业 申请毕业的截止日期和说明网页. 你会想要 to make sure that all of your previous transcripts are on file and that you've met 与辅导员一起确保你的要求得到满足 before 你提交 毕业申请.
  • I'm finishing my requirements in the summer. Can I still participate in commencement? Students who are planning to graduate in the summer can participate in the Spring 毕业典礼由辅导员批准. 辅导员将核实 ,并填写毕业典礼十大正规网赌软件app表格. 截止日期是 typically in early-May so be sure to contact Counseling to confirm deadline and look 如果你对毕业典礼感兴趣的话! 
其他支援计划 & 特殊人群

Students who are part of these programs are encouraged to schedule an appointment with the program, please click the link for your program to continue to scheduling options. 


如果您不是下列任何课程的一部分,请返回到 与咨询师联系 to continue to General Counseling.



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eCounseling 是可用的快速问题,不需要现场帮助-提交问题 致我们的辅导员. Please allow up to 3 business days for a response.

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